White Papers

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Cojali USA Commercial Vehicle White Paper about Aftertreatment Systems in the Heavy-Duty Industry

Everything about Aftertreatment Systems in the Heavy-Duty industry

DPF systems have become a part of our day to day, and trying to learn and fix them turns to be a constant source of headaches! With that said, how many times have you performed a reset and that beautiful red code is still there? Or that time you tried to launch a regen and it just wouldn’t launch? DPF issues don’t only apply to the filter, and that’s what we set out to show you.

Off Highway

Cojali USA Off Hightway White Paper about reactive to predictive maintenance

The Journey From Reactive To Predictive Maintenance

Has anybody explained to you the reasons why a well laid-out maintenance plan is the turning point of being a reactive business to a profitable one? Have you tried implementing some simple procedures that might help at reducing downtimes and better forecasting maintenance costs?


Cojali USA White Paper about diesel injection systems in the marine industry

The Diesel Injection Systems in the Marine Industry

There is a lot said on Marine Diesel Injection Systems, but it often seems there are no solutions available. Indeed, repairing and preventing injection issues is what this White Paper is all about. The most relevant diesel injection systems are described with simplicity, as well as the importance of electronic control modules in the engine’s operation and how we need to take advantage from diagnostics tools for performing the correct mechanical and electronic maintenance.